
5500 Olive Dr, Building 11 #1105
Bakersfield, CA 93308
United States

Mon – Fri, 8a – 8p

T: +1 (661) 431-5026


We work in a warm, non-traditional office setting. As a result, we do not currently have access to a waiting room or (reliably) a restroom. We ask that you come to your appointments on time, coming to the door no sooner than five minutes before your session time. We also ask that you work to be attentive and cooperative to our efforts to keep your session to no longer than 50 minutes.

Finding Us

Below is a picture of the office entrance (through the gate) on the south side of Building 11, located on the Olive Drive Campus of Valley Baptist Church. On the map, the red pin is tagged at the location of Building 11.